1. Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to define community aspirations for workplace behavior, to provide guidance to employees about expectations for ethical and responsible conduct, and to articulate processes for enforcement of this policy.

2. Reasons for the Policy

To accomplish its educational, research, and public service missions, the University of Tennessee relies on the ethical and responsible conduct of its employees. This Code of Conduct defines community aspirations, provides employees with guidance on how to conduct themselves in an ethical and responsible manner, and provides guidance on processes for enforcement of this policy. Section 4 outlines the University’s general principles of acceptable conduct.

3. Scope and Application

This policy applies to all University employees and members of the University community. This policy represents the University’s official statement of expectations for ethical and responsible conduct by members of the University community. The University community includes individuals representing the University, including but not limited to, employees, student employees, volunteers, contractors, and campus visitors.

Employees are expected to familiarize themselves with this Code and to abide by it. Even the appearance of unethical or irresponsible conduct can be damaging to the public’s trust in the university. Accordingly, employees are expected to conduct themselves fairly, honestly, in good faith, and in accordance with the highest ethical and professional standards.

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