Employees are entrusted with a variety of confidential information about students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors, research sponsors and projects, licensing partners, patients, and other people and activities. Employees must accept the responsibilities of this trust, limiting their access, use, or disclosure of confidential information to only those purposes related to the scope of their job duties. Moreover, confidential information must be accessed, protected, preserved, and destroyed in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and university policies. The university has the right to monitor, for business reasons, any and all aspects of any university computer system, including employee e-mail.


Key Policies, Statements, and Guidelines




Identity Theft Prevention

Information Technology

Human Resources

Records Management

Requests for Records under the Tennessee Public Records Act

UT System Employee and Organizational Development Training

  • COMPLIANCE IMPACT: Conflict of Interest – Just Helping a Friend via K@TE

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