1. The University strives to be a collegial community where employees collaborate and share responsibilities in service of the University’s mission. Accordingly, all employees are expected to treat one another with civility and collegiality. Civility involves not only respecting others, but being polite, courteous, and thoughtful when interacting with others – including those with diverse perspectives, backgrounds or beliefs.
  2. Bullying, incivility and disrespect in the workplace can be barriers to effective communication, coaching and performance. All employees, as well as members of the public interacting with employees in the course of University business, have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Accordingly, bullying, intimidation, threatening behavior, or aggression, whether verbal, written, or physical, will not be tolerated.
  3. While coaching, counseling, and corrective action are necessary parts of any manager’s supervisory responsibility, the language used to correct or reinforce workplace performance must be respectful and professional. Civility requires that even the most critical feedback be delivered respectfully, privately, and courteously. Conversely, individuals receiving coaching, counseling, and feedback are expected to interact professionally and respectfully when receiving such information.


Key Policies, Statements, and Guidelines

Academic Freedom

UT System Employee and Organizational Development Training

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