Conflicts of Interest
- University employees interact with outside peers, businesses, governments, organizations, and others to benefit themselves, the University mission, and the public at large. No matter the outside activity or circumstances involved, employees must act and make decisions with absolute credibility, integrity, and objectivity, fulfill their primary commitment to the University and the best interests of its mission, and understand and comply with state and federal requirements.
- As such, employees are expected to take all reasonable precautions and seek appropriate guidance to ensure that their outside interests do not place them in conflict with their duties and responsibilities as University employees. Employees must disclose outside interests annually in accordance with University policies so that they can be reviewed and managed or eliminated, as appropriate.
- This requirement applies equally to conflicts of time and financial conflicts.
Key Policies, Statements, and Guidelines
- University of Tennessee System Policies
- GE0002 (formerly FI0125) Conflicts of Interest & Commitment
- HR0115 Employment of Relatives
- HR0122 Employment of University Employees by Other University Personnel
- RE0001 Policy and Procedure on Responsible Conduct in Research and Scholarly Activities
- UT Knoxville Policies for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Endeavors-Section: 7.1 Policy on Misconduct in Research and Service
- UT Knoxville Faculty Handbook
- UT Chattanooga Faculty Handbook
- UT Southern Faculty Handbook
- UT Martin Faculty Handbook
- UT Health Science Center Faculty Handbook
- UT Knoxville Division of Finance & Administration Conflict of Interest
- UT Chattanooga University Conflict of Interest Disclosure
- UT Martin Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
- UT Health Science Center FI0125-H Conflict of Interest Procedure
- UT Business Management Guide for the Head of an Academic or Administrative Unit or Manager of a Program
UT System Employee and Organizational Development Training
- COMPLIANCE IMPACT: Conflict of Interest – Just Helping a Friend via K@TE
Campus Training
- UT Knoxville Office of Research and Engagement Conflicts of Interest Training (available to all campuses)
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